About Deema Spice

Deema's Sri Lankan Curry Spices consists of our own unique blend curry spices so you can enjoy the delicious taste of a home-cooked, heart warming Sri Lankan curry.

This one blend is ideal for meat, fish, prawns or vegetable curries. Enjoy the recipes in this blog and in the pack. If you can't find Deema's Sri Lankan Curry Spices in a shop near you, please email: deemaspice@gmail.com and we will help get you one. Why not visit us on facebook as well.

Buy two packs for £6.

One pack cooks two curries for two people. Please note that though there are no nuts in the blend, it is made in a nut lover’s kitchen. It is gluten free, as far as we are aware.

For just £8 each, our Christmas gift bags include 2 packs of Deema's Sri Lankan Curry Spices in a lovely re-useable just bag and a special recipe card for making curry with turkey leftover and the price includes postage but not the holly!And if you pre-order 2 gift bags, the price is £15. Order today!

Thanks for the great product artwork and design from Megan Lomax at Rubbaglove & RRDCreative.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

With lashings of ginger beer...

Hardy friends and customers have been out in the field, literally, with bags of Deema's Sri Lankan curry powder to flavour their food during their summer camping jaunts.

"It was great" said one from the wilds of Devon. "Tasted lovely, and I didn't have to bring loads of other spices." It's just the thing we like to hear. Yet we stand in awe and admiration at some foodies' talents with the camping stove.

Next stop North Pole. Come on campers!

Spice Scribe review

Someone else besides us think our spices are great! Thank you!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Henderson's Taste Sensation

Thank you everyone at Henderson's Hanover Street Edinburgh and all my happy customers and samplers of Deema's Spice potato curry. What a great couple of hours. Sorry I ran out of samples so soon!

More samples will be available Tuesday lunch.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The best thing next to a barbecue

Summer's here. Time to get outside, do garden barbecues and enjoy all those extra added macho-style risks that come with uncooked meat and soil bacteria. But now you can add an extra tasty side dish of Deema's potato curry as the ideal complementary dish.

I tried this by bringing a quickly cooked-up potato curry to my friend's homewarming barbie, instead of the usual bottle of plonk. Everyone loved it. In fact, they went on about my contribution more than the sausages.

Yes, you heard it here folks - veg curry was more popular than meat at a barbecue. Then people kept thrusting glasses of wine in my hand and the details become a bit hazy. The things we do in the name of the cause.

Potato curry is easy. Just follow the instructions on the packet. Remember, brown the potato in the curry powder first before cooking it in a quality tin of coconut milk. Have a good weekend.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Pistachio Pork & Spinach Curry

Sunday morning was spent in the kitchen cooking. Mainly because I couldn't fit the newly bought groceries into the fridge and freezer. And the sun wasn't out.

Pistachio Pork
250g of pistachios - give it a couple of bashes so you have some small bits
1 tbs of honey
1 tsp of crushed cumin
2tbs of coarse ground black pepper
1 tbs of chillie
Left over white wine and a splash of soya sauce
And pork. I used a 1.2kg leg which I cut up and trimmed the fat,

Mix all the ingredients and rub into pork chops. Marinate for at least an hour - more if you have the time. Then fry when ready. Add the wine and soy sauce and let it simmer. Leave some of the nutty mixture for serving.

Spinach Curry
Spinach, left over choi sim and halved some cherry tomatoes for colour.
3 cloves of garlic chopped
1 x Coconut milk tin
2 tbs Deema's Spices

Fry the garlic, add the leaves and tomatoes, 2 tbs of Deema's Spices and coconut milk.
Let it it boil then simmer till you are happy with the taste.

Pork crackling
Rubbed salt and the cumin (yes crushed too much!) into the skin and roasted it. Delicious. I ate most of it.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Spicy Tuna dish by 15 year old

Finally made hoppers! Whoop whoop! Thanks to a pan that came all the way from Sri Lanka. Can't make hoppers without this pan as I tried a month ago. Epic fail.

After a few disasters this time mainly due to over enthusiasm hoppers were made. The 15 year old said the sambol that goes with hoppers was too hot for him.

So I said make something and left him to it.

 He gets out a tuna tin - we are not very pc in our house. Chops an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, some spring onions, baby tomates puts them all in a pan with the tuna and adds 2 pinches of Deema's Spice.

Yummy and that is now another dish he can make along with a fried egg.