About Deema Spice

Deema's Sri Lankan Curry Spices consists of our own unique blend curry spices so you can enjoy the delicious taste of a home-cooked, heart warming Sri Lankan curry.

This one blend is ideal for meat, fish, prawns or vegetable curries. Enjoy the recipes in this blog and in the pack. If you can't find Deema's Sri Lankan Curry Spices in a shop near you, please email: deemaspice@gmail.com and we will help get you one. Why not visit us on facebook as well.

Buy two packs for £6.

One pack cooks two curries for two people. Please note that though there are no nuts in the blend, it is made in a nut lover’s kitchen. It is gluten free, as far as we are aware.

For just £8 each, our Christmas gift bags include 2 packs of Deema's Sri Lankan Curry Spices in a lovely re-useable just bag and a special recipe card for making curry with turkey leftover and the price includes postage but not the holly!And if you pre-order 2 gift bags, the price is £15. Order today!

Thanks for the great product artwork and design from Megan Lomax at Rubbaglove & RRDCreative.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Get to Relish Deli, 6 Commercial Street, Leith

We will be in the delightful  Relish Deli: 6 Commercial Street, Edinburgh.

A great quality and very popular local Deli, who may be serving up Deema's Spice in his dished as well as on his shelves.


Sunday, 27 January 2013

Spice experiments - Wild Boar Curry & Prawn Laksa

I have been experimenting. Mainly, because I have been missing my mum's cooking and wanted to eat really tasty food.

Jungle Curry aka Wild Boar Curry

Wild Boar Curry
Got wild boar from the Alternative Meat Company. Love that place.

Made the curry just like a normal curry using Deema's Spices but had to cook it for much longer as thought it need too. Not sure why!

It was ok. Not great. I think it needed to be more fatty as that is how I remember having it. In the good old days people were not concerned about bad fats!

Next time will use the great wild boar for a caserole I think.


Prawn Laksa
Prawn Laksa
Now, I have made Laksa before but never made it using Deema's Spices before. Wow. It was good. Even if I say so myself.

Just follow any normal Laksa recipe. I am a big fan of Ottlenghi so I used his but cheated and was lazy so didn't grind stuff. The men in my life complain about eating branches and leaves but roughage is good for you!


Tattie Shaws for great Sri Lankan curry powder

Top of Leith Walk. Can't miss it. Get off the bus at Elm Row 
Deema Spice goes retail!
What a great day Saturday spent in Tattie Shaws, Edinburgh’s finest, cool-as-the-Clash, old-school grocer. Thank you to all those forward-thinking foodies who tried a taste and bought a packet. And thanks too to that guy who refused a try, but bought a few packets anyway.
If it wasn’t for you intrepid tasters and try-outers, the rest of the world would be stuck with very plain fare indeed. Here’s hoping the rest will follow.
You can find Deema's Spice right by the till, or just ask.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Free paper leaflet ;) with every packet you buy at Tattie Shaws!!

Tattie Shaws, the best grocers in Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland and anywhere else that matters is stocking Deema's Spice from this Saturday. Come and try a cooked sample and then buy loads.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Fry Curry Leaves - to smile!

I gave my friend Anne a pack of Deema's Spices recently. She hasn't made any curry she confided. But she keeps it next to her computer and sniffs it from time to time as it cheers her up!

It made me think of home, my mum and smells. 

When mum used to make curries - one of the best smells I remember was when she used to fried curry leaves before other stuff was added. It was so simple and aromatic. Or perhaps it was because it promised yummy food but it always made me smile and feel good.

I think I will do that tomorrow. Toast some fresh curry leaves with a wee bit of oil and fill my house with a delicious aroma. And big smiles.


Tuesday, 1 January 2013


We never thought we'd have more than 100 people like our facebook page in such a short period of time. It is a truly incredible start for 2013. Whoo hoo!