Summer's here. Time to get outside, do garden barbecues and enjoy all those extra added macho-style risks that come with uncooked meat and soil bacteria. But now you can add an extra tasty side dish of Deema's potato curry as the ideal complementary dish.
I tried this by bringing a quickly cooked-up potato curry to my friend's homewarming barbie, instead of the usual bottle of plonk. Everyone loved it. In fact, they went on about my contribution more than the sausages.
Yes, you heard it here folks - veg curry was more popular than meat at a barbecue. Then people kept thrusting glasses of wine in my hand and the details become a bit hazy. The things we do in the name of the cause.
Potato curry is easy. Just follow the instructions on the packet. Remember, brown the potato in the curry powder first before cooking it in a quality tin of coconut milk. Have a good weekend.